
It's debut time!

This marks my first song as a solo artist. I started writing this back in 2014 when I got locked out of the house one summer evening. I had my laptop and the cats as company so I started making things in Guitar Pro just for the sake of it.

The first thing that came to mind were the chords that start playing around 02:27. I had read something about using the same note on top of a chord-progression that otherwise doesn't make sense. This was an easy way of tying things together so I gave it a go.

The solo came naturally afterwards and so did the outro riffs. After that I just had the song lying around gathering dust for a long time.

It was when I started playing around with swybrid-picking without any extra fingers that I stumbled upon the ascending picking arpeggios that are heard at 04:00. Everything is picked and it is this single idea that gave me the rest of the song.

The final bits that were missing were Nick and RaĂșls excellent playing. Once i had what I needed I set course for a long journey through the realm of video-manipulation.

One of the joys of learning about a topic in a systematic fashion is finding various avenues along the way that are equally interesting.

When Mudbody and I were making the video for Glow I read a lot about picture and video manipulation and stumbled upon Style-transfer algorithms. I knew there was art to be found here if I managed to use this as a tool and not just as some cool trick.

I will make a video or write a post explaining how I made the video in detail but until then I hope you enjoy the song